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With the failure of SVB, BofA receives deposits totaling over $15 billion

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    Bank of America Corp. mopped up more than $15 billion in new deposits in a matter of days, emerging as one of the big winners after the collapse of three smaller banks dented confidence in the safety of regional lenders.

    The inflows offer a first glimpse into the deluge of deposits that made its way to the country’s largest banks as customers fearful of a spreading crisis sought refuge in the firms seen as too big to fail. The money flowing into the second-largest US bank was described by people with direct knowledge of the matter, who asked not to be identified as the information isn’t public.


    Article information

    Author: Ashley Williamson

    Last Updated: 1702253403

    Views: 722

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    Author information

    Name: Ashley Williamson

    Birthday: 1925-08-15

    Address: 7356 Marcus Forest Apt. 990, Williamhaven, RI 07155

    Phone: +4280472614446973

    Job: Veterinarian

    Hobby: Scuba Diving, Card Games, Playing Piano, Fishing, Survival Skills, Stamp Collecting, Camping

    Introduction: My name is Ashley Williamson, I am a venturesome, striking, audacious, unguarded, steadfast, artistic, proficient person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.